One day I will become big
One day I will get success
One day I will become a money magnet
One day all riches will be mine
One day God will have to come to me
One day everything in life will be in my control
One day people will realize my true worth
One day my time will come
One day I will travel the world
One day I will become famous
One day there will be a golden sunrise
One day the Devi / Divine Goddess will come, ring my door bell and say son you have suffered a lot due to no fault of yours, unnecessarily people have troubled you, people have not understood you, no one has accepted you. You are so honest, sincere, hard working, pure, you have done so many prayers, tapas, sadhanas , wraths, I am pleased and you ask for anything you want and it shall be done.
So much in lines with the Hindi song- Apna time ayega….
Such a someday never has happened nor will it happen. Its time we come out of these fantasies and look into the reality picture. So much illusionary hope can ruin our life completely, if not done yet.
The only thing that will happen one day will be that the curtains will fall and with it will go away all your aspirations, desires, talents, expectations and so many things to the grave. As mentioned by a master, the cemetry is the richest place in the whole world wherein all these thoughts, ideas, talents, affirmations are parked. All the businesses you thought you would do all the ideas you had of having a successful life, all winning formulas, all imagined wealth created, all go away with you.
The One day syndrome is the biggest disease which conspires to take all your dreams to the grave.
It’s the biggest fantasy we live in today and if not cured immediately it will lead us farther and further away from our aim and goals in life.
The misdirected goal
The saddest part of human birth is that majority don’t plan life, they plan for life but not life itself. Confusing!
We plan for our child’s education, our life insurance, investments, our foreign tours, our businesses but alas never for the life we are living currently. We take life so much for granted that we never care to enhance our quality of life or have any goal in life for our internal well being. As we get dependant on living externally we start dying internally. Its not that we should reject the pleasures but these cannot give us happiness.
Have we ever set a goal like I will release 50% of the hurts or karma I carry in 6 months and the rest in 1 year or I will clear my childhood trauma or I will set right relations with my father by this year end or anything similar.
Hope can be the biggest killer
Too much of ungrounded fantasizing hope can be the biggest killer of our dreams / goals. If we don’t keep a check or control this or come out of this illusion we are bound to suffer disappointment , sorrow and failed expectations.
Failed expectations is the biggest cause of depression and with so many in our armor its nothing but inviting doom to fall on us, isn’t it.
Hope when gets to the level of floating fantasies always results in dooms.
A thought for a thought
Let me share an eye opening story here which I heard from an enlightened master. There was a girl who came to this master and was crying inconsolably for a boy whom she had broken up with recently. She said -I loved this boy, but before I could confess my love for him he married some else. I am in grief and heart broken, I don’t want to live, how can you help me. The master smiled and told her- Nothing transpired between the two of you. The only thing happened was thoughts kept flowing in your mind. Finally the girl was shell shocked to hear the most important and effective statement in her life so far when the Master remarked- Dear you won him in thought and lost him in thought.
This is the exactly the same what is happening to us, we have succeeded in our thoughts and lost the same in our thoughts. We have succeeded to achieve all success in our thoughts and we have lost the same to our thoughts. As a result nothing happens on ground reality and we start living in a negative clematis state of floatiness .i.e. everything in the thoughts.
Don’t we get excited when we imagine or are given hopes through predictions etc that success is just about coming to us, but in reality when this does not happen we again get into our original state of craving and seeking.
We get so many people who approach us seeking solutions and that too immediate with guarantees.
A spiritual master I had met once remarked when he was asked how he deals with such people. He said I tell them you are not ready for me yet, do yoga, pranayam and such things for a year and come back, then I will help you. Initially when I heard this a few years back I thought this is his ego which is speaking in these terms, else why would he turn away a poor fellow seeking solutions. But over the years I realized how deep those words were, you cannot explain deeper stuff to people whose sahasrara has not yet opened up to the basic core facts. They just want it now and here, without even realizing how much karma, black magic, ancestral work, beliefs, traumas need to be healed first.
No wonder, we too leave such people to first understand the laws of existence and karma.
Deeper spiritual processes do not work on guarantees but intent, dedication and perseverance. Never has any true spiritual master guaranteed anything to his devotees, else the great Buddha too would have given enlightenment to his favorite disciples. He gave them the path to be followed which took them towards their salvation. Desperation, impatience and cravings are very deep rooted karmic bondages which never allow karma to get dissolved as a result people in these domains are stuckup for years and years in the same states.
Such a theory never exists on the spiritual plane as in space there is no time. Hence if you meet a true spiritual master, he will never commit on the timelines of when your situation would heal, they can just initiate and teach you processes which will work for sure without any timelines though.
On the other hand there are aplenty out there who will give you timelines and commitments, of course which seldom do happen. As the universe is made up of so many different energies and dimensions, lot of things need to conspire and meet to make it happen. The dynamics of most types of karma work on finishing the karma and not particularly dates or times. Hence the emphasis should always be clearing, releasing and moving on rather than just hoping and waiting for the results.
For so many the recent movie- Kaun Pravin Tambe is such a welcome motivation but have you ever thought how many Pravin Tambe’s are created. One Pravin Tambe is made to the millions who never became him.
Just compare
One Sachin Tendulkar compared to the millions who didnt become him
One Maradona to the millions who never became him
One Einstien to the millions who never became him
The list is endless
The core question always has to be answered by you.
Enough of this illusion.
The fact is –
One day you will have to clear your karmic imprints
One day you will have to heal your genetic impressions
One day you will have to learn your lessons
One day you will have to start forgiving and discovering love in your relationships
One day…..
And its only then that the one day you dream of can manifest for its The law of existence and the Divine himself dwells in it.
Whether that golden day exists in your life or not, only the Divine knows but yes, if this has influenced you towards the truth of life and existence and you have chosen to work on your inner core then that One day has arrived today.
For in the end its that One Day you wake up to all that needs to be done than what you dream you want.
Wish you all a successful life ahead.
For all who seek a correct path in life and are READY, you can get in touch with me for guidance.