We experience life or karma through three principal forms- health, wealth and relationships.
All our life challenges are centered around these three things. meaning our pains and sufferings would fall in any or all of these three aspects of life.
For example a pressing health ailment or some scarcity of money or some relationship breakup is nothing but a play or manifestation of this life energy or karma we are carrying.
Lets look into the four steps towards the journey of liberation.
Step 1– The first category and majority of the people are the ones who see the problem exactly as it is, means if there is some health issues they would try to resolve it medically through various options available like allopathy, ayurvedic, homeopathy, herbal and so on. They would keep switching from one medical form to another like from allopathy to ayurvedic to homeopathy or so on as they feel the solution is simply at what is seen and meets the eye. Although an understanding of karma exists in them but they have seen, known and experienced that a doctors cure is the only remedy to a health ailment.
Or if they have some monetary issues, they will try out and change jobs, businesses and nature of work and try to resolve the monetary issues
Or for that matter if they get into some relationship issue, they will do away with that and enter into another one.
This is a typical mindset of seeing the problem or life situation as it is and treating that. For people in this category the problem and the solution are from one and the same origin. These people live in and from the mooladhara chakra.
This is the external world where solutions to life situations are sought externally.
Step 2– Quite a few move over to this zone when they don’t find things working out by being in the first category. Its here that the search starts and this quests of unresolved life situations and challenges draw them towards vastu, astrology, healings, clearings etc
Its such a welcome transition as its here they start recognizing, accepting, valuing and acknowledging universal forces and feel there is more to than what meets the eye and these forces / energies are the cause of their life situations and challenges. A vastu for a place or some astrological correction to appease the planets or some healings for their relations or some house clearings are all tried, explored, learnt and practiced. An entire new outlook develops in these people and they feel they now know the cause and working on this will give them the desired results and many do so.
Its so very important to appease the planets or vastu purush, quite a few become healers, vastu experts and learn to read and heal horoscopes. Its such a lovely progress.
But a there is something beyond it which they have not explored or do not want to go beyond. For a lot of people a spiritual quest develops and they start having questions in their minds which takes them towards the third step.
Step 3– All learning is unlearning and whatever these sect of people have learnt its time to move on and find the higher truth as this journey of evolution is never ending. So on one side the cause found and detected was external energies, on the other its time to search for more as to what happens or affects the vastu or how planets are in a position to influence us to behave and face what we are doing today. This thirst guides them to their chakras and aura clearings, wherein people start working extensively on their chakras and clearing their auras. In fact the highest number of enquiries I receive are of chakra balancing. These people know the fact that the chakras run their life and keeping their auras healthy helps in keeping negativity of any kind out of reach.
There are quite a few who feel that vastu or horoscope affects our chakras, that’s absolutely right. Actually when ones chakras etc are weak or malfunctioning they will attract a relevant similar vastu and situations in their lives. In fact when these people dig deep they move and open up to one more layer of truth and find out that the chakras get affected or influenced by our life energy or karmic imprints, and its this search which takes them to the fourth step.
Step 4– This is the point of evolution, a few ones reach to this level not by mere knowledge but by understanding, awareness and experience. Its here when anxiety or unanswered questions or challenges become overwhelming and the search is intensified to knowing more laws or more of creation and how it works. In other words finding the cause to the found cause. In this quest so many skeletons of the so called karma pop up and these people get introduced to themselves in the most crude and raw form. Its a journey in the sub conscious and the unconscious mind which is the causal body.
Once this is reached you touch your life energy / karmic imprint and are face to face with yourself. You get exposed or opened up to so many of the different forms of this very life energy in you like beliefs, perceptions, fcd’s, heripatts, hurts, birth traumas, life lessons, childhood traumas, unfulfilled desires, unfinished challenges, ancestral patterns, curses, relationship issues and so much more. This is your karma and clearing this is a huge task and the final boulder in the way to enlightenment.
Truth is ever evolving, its keeps changing with our understanding and there is no such thing like The Ultimate Truth. So can you imagine how life is camouflaged in different forms and layers of illusion. Everything you thought to be the truth had one more layer opening to it which revealed an inner layer and a more absolute truth, isn’t it. This is the actual journey of life. This is the inner world and whatever happens at step 1 is emanating or originating from here. i.e step 4
The Divine Gods, Angels, Ascended masters, Our higher self, Our spirit guides, Our ancestors, Vastu purush of our office and home, Spirit of our home and office, Higher selves of people with whom we have contracts, mother earth, the 5 elements and all such Divine entities work in perfect tandem and co-ordination in helping us in this evolution journey. All difficulties faced by us are in perfect order of our life contract and karmic imprints. Leaving a particular God and moving to the other form is just a petty mind game we do in sheer desperation and frustration.
The sooner we understand the better-
You will always get a vastu or place with energies that vibrate on your frequencies, so merely correcting a vastu defect is just not enough. So many times we blame the poor vastu person saying it did not fetch the desired results, but the core cause is that your own energies were not in alignment with the vastu and hence results were not seen.
Not just places, even people and life situations also simply mirror your own level of vibrations and every incident outside happens from inside you. Life is not happening to you from somewhere its happening through you.
Everything outside is mirroring you at every point of time.
We are manifesting our own vibrations
We are projecting our own thoughts outside in people
We are creating our own reality of within us
Our universe is our inner world only.
I have been asked quite a few times as to which is the best and most effective meditation. My answer to this is quite simple- All meditations are good but the most important, effective and evolving one is the one wherein you see yourself. Anything that happens outside gets a trigger from your inside. So any external life challenge has its roots inside and to reach these roots is the biggest meditation according to me. This meditation is an adventure, an investigation into helping you to reach the root causes of your life challenges and its in the healing and releasing of these challenges that lies your evolution / liberation. And you know where it starts from, its from one simple question Why did this happen to me, what do I need to release to come out of this situation?
If you want a new bright future, what you need now is a new you-niverse,
a new universe can be formed by a new you, by recreating you.
And its only you who can do it,
For it’s a fight between you and you,
Whosoever wins the fight wins in you, its simple- you become that.
Our Life transformation workshops can help you recreate yourself a long way.
Our first workshop is called Prarambh and its all about understanding, the second one is called Merkaba which is about healing, the third one is called Heripatt which Is about clearing the 7 generational patterns and the last one is Karma & Shaktipat which is about clearing karma and getting the initiation to enlightenment.
More details can be found here- http://satvakirani.com/workshopspackage-239.htm
Wish you a Happy evolution..…
Tomorrow would be just another yesterday unless you choose to change it today- Veejay Israani