One more Diwali come and gone.
In a few days from now, we will be back on ground zero after the airy, illusionary feelings of big money for the umpteenth time.
All those hopes, aspirations, dreams, fanfare that the Goddess of wealth will come and bless us specially come to an end. In a few days from now we will be back to our ground reality, fallen from upper space.
That feeling of being special, that feeling that our money woes are over, all the collected positive thoughts, feelings, affirmations all lost as if they never existed. The toughest part of change is the initial shift, once we are able to get to the first step, then its an automated or natural process as its here that a shift of understanding , a change in beliefs is very much required.
A shift in thinking that money does not come by mere emotionally blackmailing the Divine or only praying to the Goddess of wealth but by actually releasing or clearing you’re our money blocks and raising our money vibrations.
A simple question to ask yourself after this Diwali- How can you expect a new money life by carrying the old money beliefs, perceptions.
Everything around us is changing, isn’t it. The times in which we lived 10 years back is so very different from the world today. If you observe even a simple mobile app like a whatsapp or facebook, they have regular updates to enhance their features which will improve their quality of output, isn’t it.
Then what about us, our old patterns, old beliefs of money. Don’t they need to be upgraded or changed altogether if they have not served their purpose. We change cars, devices, objects if they malfunction or do not work upto what is required, then what about these old beliefs, patterns, perceptions, thoughts, etc.
Sorry to state but a naked fact is that till we do not wake up to the up gradation or the change in our beliefs and perceptions, money will only be a dream we would crave for till our last breath.
And you know what all these cravings, unfulfilled desires, challenges, tough life situations, etc
Money is the new spiritual teacher now and it will teach us so many life lessons, the first being to break our old beliefs about money itself.
Its simple, learn and move on or don’t learn and be stuck up there itself.
There are lakhs and crores today who are stuck up badly just waiting for the stars to turn in a favorable position.
Contrary to common belief, money comes to you, follow you, trolls you, rather than you doing so. We have been chasing money and our goals as taught in the motivational seminars but we fail to understand that its not these aspirations / just intent but our vibrations/ consciousness which will determine the money quotient in our lives.
There are two types of people in the money world,
First are ones who think that we should follow our goals and be after money and opportunity. These constitute to around 80% of the population.
Second are the ones who set goals and raise their vibrations in accordance to the goals and know that money will come after them. These people automatically get opportunities in their work and so many get amused as to why he got an opportunity even though he is less qualified or able than me. These people constitute to around 20% of the population.
And you know what- statistics show that 20% of people hold 80% of the wealth worldwide. These second category people are the successful ones whom we just keep on envying and feeling how come they get everything set on the platter.
The most important thing to understand is that Money does not come to you, Money comes through you. Hence all the money which you manifest is just a product of you, through you. Your internal money blocks itself ruin your external money worlds and what we do is change business, scope of works, partners, places, professions and what not.
Even now as you read this you feel, wow how correct and spot on it is, but that’s not just enough, this understanding has to sink in deep inside us to create a change / shift in us, only then its of any relevance in our lies.
Let me share here a real story which happened in yesteryears. There was a saint who used to meditate regularly in his little hut and used to eat once in a day in the afternoon. In his early days he used to go out and ask for food, but as he raised his vibrations and beliefs, he never stepped outside his hut. Everyday in lunchtime, there used to come someone known or unknown and give him food out of nowhere. In fact one day a dog got a food packet given by someone to give to him. Such is the beauty and power of nature. Once we get in sync with nature we get everything automatically to us. The reason we fail to attract is that we feel that we need to work towards it and put in lot of efforts, etc.
We have heard hard work and smart work. The real smart work is to get attuned to the laws of nature as it provides everything for everyone. Does the tree struggle to get water from rains, do the animals struggle or have goals, etc. Everyone gets it, no one dies of not getting food or not money. The fear that there will be no money kills everyone and is responsible for major suicides around the world, not the actual lack of money. There have been numerous stories of money being manifested out of nowhere at the last moment, Yes it happens quite a few times here and there due to a Divine intervention but once you get attuned, it’s a regular affair and a natural state of existence. Lack is always in the mind.
Lets me brief you about 2 aspects of money here-
1- We have been fed from childhood from our parents and forefathers that we have to work hard to earn money, isn’t it.
Now we are grown up and attend motivational seminars where we are taught we should work smart to get big money. Its absolutely perfect but you are programmed with the feeling in the subconscious which is around 20000 times more powerful than the conscious mind. So who / which thought will win. Of course that to earn money we will have to work hard and hence if you see majority of the people although might speak about smart work, but actually internally believe in hard work.
2- We have heard from our parents- Money does not grow on trees.
Now we want money to multiply fast through various investments, properties, shares, etc but this subconscious thought embedded deep within our consciousness will not allow money to multiply so easily.
Similar to the above two mentioned there are so many aspects to money that it will take a while to clear up / release the mess we are in today. But atleast the start has to be made, the Goddess will take over and push us once we start not by mere wishful thinking.
A start means a shift in the thinking, means a change in approach to money, means a dive into your own money worlds and not the external symptoms.
Money is the fruit of the root called YOU.
Its directly connected and proportional.
Start your journey with me to your actual money world, a world where there is aplenty, a world where there is abundance, a world where you are in sync with nature, a world where its not you but money which runs after you, a world where money gives you everything you need and desire for., a world full of abundance…
What is the Half Glass Theory
The half glass theory states that
if half of the glass is contaminated or bad then whatever you put in it that too will become the same.
Its whatever good you do related to money goes down the drain as the water in the glass is already contaminated.
Exactly the same thing is happening in our lives, because our beliefs, perceptions, thought patterns, etc are negative, whatever positive things we do also turn negative and the complete effort, positive outlook goes waste.
One of the biggest mistake many do is without releasing the unwanted stuff, they try to addon good little things into it and that too gets spoilt as this existing water is not cleared.
This is happening in a loop which needs to be broken, meaning the contaminated glass needs to be emptied first and then only can we pour anything favorable in it.
This is the main cause of our money issues and hence we see failures repeating after success with almost everyone.
One unresolved failure is enough to attract and manifest another. Healing the past failure is so very important as Past itself is future. There is no new future, dear friends, its just past recycled.
Come lets release these old unwanted stuff about money and embrace a new money world.
Its your choice in life after all- to keep dreaming or keep clearing- your choice determines your destiny.
We do not want to change our belief patterns, old patterns but want a new output, a new beginning in
our money worlds.
Its like going for the movie Titanic in different cinema houses expecting a different, a happy ending.
Come with me on this path to shift your money realities, whatever has happened has to be stopped now and here, this pattern has to be broken and ended now to stop it from repeating again in our life.
Money is the sixth element of existence and is not merely the currency what we transact.
Join us in the most exclusive Money workshop called Samruddhi.
Wish you all Happy Money worlds…