Do you feel the world is changing or has changed?
Are you stuck up in a non-solvable life situation?
Is life knocking very hard on you?
Is it something you don’t like about the world you live in?
Have you heard the Golden age is coming?

Welcome to the era of change. Come 2017 and starts the age of change, the age of evolution. You might be wondering what change, there is already a lot of change happening outside in the physical reality all over the globe.

Earth is actually going through a shift from 3D to 5D. As the earth is going through a shift, a new consciousness is coming up.

Let us observe a few things

Education has changed over the years. Around 20-30 years Maths and today’s Maths is totally different. Previously it was simple Mathematics. Now it’s become very advanced, Vedic maths, Abacus maths, calculus maths, etc. Messages in olden days used to be sent by letters, which used to take at least 3-4 days or even more sometimes, then came emailing through computers, now WhatsApp and so many chat apps which not just transfer but help to even chat and get replies instantly.

Grinding used to be done with stones previously, now it’s done through mixers. Shopping was done from shops, now one-stop malls are opened, we can even do online shopping. Hasn’t the automobile industry evolved racer bikes, digital meters, automatic gear systems? Just heard the car is invented which does not require a driver. There are numerous examples in each & every sphere of life where things have changed drastically for the betterment and benefit of mankind.

Many children have already started asking parents why not to eat non-veg food, why certain rituals are to be performed, etc. As these questions remain unanswered logically in their minds, these kids have started eating non-veg, as they do not believe what you believe, they need a satisfactory explanation. This is the new consciousness. Everything is evolving. Have you ever noticed children being born with such high IQ, understanding, getting mature so soon? Was this the case 20-30 years back? Children will not believe you and follow rituals blindly, just as we have been doing from years together. Now they need explanation. Evolving minds, Evolving truths.

Have you noticed?
The drastic rise in diseases? Every year new diseases are being detected. Which never were thought of even in the wildest of our dreams. Rise in divorces and extramarital affairs. How our problems, issues, challenging life situations have also increased over the last few years. Did our parents ever face such health disorders or such financial challenges or extreme relationship issues? So if you see on one hand there are problems, issues, challenges, natural disasters, undetectable or incurable health disorders, complicated relationship issues, failing business ventures, unnatural premature deaths, etc. but on the other hand connection to the Divine has become very easy and many feel the presence of the guides resulting in channeling.

Quite a few healers have already started channeling and receiving messages to help us make this transition, which was impossible previously when only a few gifted ones could channel. Now this transition can be painful for all those who resist change and are stuck up to the old ways and means of living or experiencing life. However, The universe & guides will make sure and guide you towards alignment with your life purpose & the laws of the universe.

The new consciousness is about removing the illusion that religion & rituals are spirituality. They can be a part but not the whole. Most of the religion we see today is used by vested interests to bind people to instill fear. The new consciousness is about doing away with all that, follow what you like and experience freedom, because true religion does not bind, it sets free. Love, forgiveness, gratitude, surrender become the four major keys thereon to achieve anything

The Mirror effect
Situations will arise. People will come in your lives identical to your inner self also can be called the MIRROR effect. As in a mirror, we see ourselves as we are, here we will see the world as we are internal. We are moving from a zone or frequency of blame, victimhood to a frequency of personal responsibility. Whatever we are seeing outside is all in us. If we are not liking something outside, we have to take responsibility and change it within.

As inside, so outside. If a person postpones things, life will postpone his happiness . his desires to a point where he changes internally and stops postponing. The universe will show you, yourself outside. Change has to come from you, by you, for you. Its enough about knowing and hearing about the Ramayana & Mahabharata in discourses now, it’s about time to actually now fighting the Ravana, the Duryodhana, the Dushyasana within.

Embrace the New
The new consciousness is not about knowing God, it’s about knowing the self, which automatically brings you to a state of God-realization.When you reach a point of time in life, where there is an issue either in relations or money matters or health related or any nagging court case or any such issue which you feel cannot be solved by known traditional ways or your rational efforts, it indicates your time has come to embrace the new consciousness. The solution lies only and only in transformation, try as much as you can but unless and until we change the external situations won’t change, it’s that simple.

Do away with the old and embrace the new way of doing. It’s here that your transformational journey starts. It’s a process, it’s not about knowing the other, it’s about knowing thyself. And when we see and introspect ourselves within, we realize that the external world is nothing but a mirror of the internal self. It’s not about leaving what you are doing, it’s about doing the same thing but in a different way, the Divine way. The awareness of the interconnectedness of the external world to the internal world is the new consciousness.

We are in an exciting change of evolution, this period is called the Sangam Yuga. It’s the period of the ending of the old system, prior to the beginning of the new consciousness. Due to a shift in energies, mankind will be subjected to lots of personal and public disasters. A lot of unexpected issues might just crop out of nowhere, to say the least. It’s like mankind collectively going through the dark night of the soul. Even as I write this blog, I hear a young father of 2 little kids, aged 35 passes away in an accident in our locality. A dear cousin also just lost his job in the middle east, just overnight. A lot like this is happening every day, it’s the new consciousness knocking on your door.

Are you ready? Remember the change has begun, the evolution has started, maybe not visible yet, but surely and definitely started in the innermost core layer. A lot is happening inside this invisible. This start of this evolution is this new forming consciousness. In will be the only way out as Transformation will soon become part of the basic survival instinct. The New age, the Universe, the Divine need transformed humans more than the Bhaktas, today.

A lot of ordinary people like us will develop healing powers and become healers i.e. light workers.Healings will not work as before. Due to the mismatch in frequency, so new tools are required. Many new age healing tools have been found like switch words, sound healing, DNA healing, mudras, etc. Which act like catalysts and help ease this change apart from fulfilling wishes. The latest one being Merkaba healing tool which works wonderfully and quickly in personal issues as well as spiritual development. Also as a tool of transformation and ascension. more can be found on

This New consciousness gives rise to Ascension/ Enlightenment. So let’s wake up, gear up and identify ourselves, we have somewhere lost ourselves in this duty of life, so far its been a race for survival, this has to end now or its never. Life is not about surviving, it’s about living. Come let’s embrace the New Consciousness and start our transformation journey now.

Come let’s Be the Change. – Veejay Israani

This blog is written by Veejay Israani. Veejay is a Transformational life coach, Bachflower therapist, Heripatt healer, etc who works on transforming individuals through his workshops, writings, guidance, healings, etc to enable them to move towards Ascension. He can be reached from details on the contact us page on this website.

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