Classic Blog with Right Sidebar



THE FOUR STEPS TOWARDS LIBERATION We experience life or karma through three principal forms- health, wealth and relationships. All our life challenges are centered around these three things. meaning our pains and sufferings would fall in any or all of these three aspects of life. For example a pressing health ailment or some scarcity of money or some relationship breakup is nothing but a play or manifestation of this life energy or karma we are carrying. Lets look into the …


FEAR OF GOD One of the biggest fear more than 95% people suffer from today is The Fear of God Not knowing, not admitting, rooted deep in the mooladhara, it’s a fear which maximum suffer from today. On one side lies intense devotion on the other this fear rooted in the subtle layers of consciousness does not allow the relation or bond to flower as much as it should even after so much of prayers and sadhanas.   Have you …


THE MONEY BLOG One more Diwali come and gone. In a few days from now, we will be back on ground zero after the airy, illusionary feelings of big money for the umpteenth time. All those hopes, aspirations, dreams, fanfare that the Goddess of wealth will come and bless us specially come to an end. In a few days from now we will be back to our ground reality, fallen from upper space. That feeling of being special, that feeling …


CORONA- A DIVINE PLOY Little did anyone think that come 2020 and the world will be subjected to such a huge pandemic which will simply shake its roots to the core.   We have always lived in different eras of existence One era was of Bhakti or Prayer era in which connection with the Divine was paramount and most important in leading a good life and evolution / spiritual/ material growth. In this era / phase enlightenment / evolution happened mainly through …


MY STORY I was struggling, searching for a formula for success in life I changed astrologers, I changed tarot readers I changed my vastu, I changed my workplace I changed plans, I changed marketing agencies I changed my company name, I changed my name I tried emotionally blackmailing God I tried putting extra efforts, huge strategies, but   Clients rejected me, people cheated me, ill treated me, I was going nowhere, even the Gods had become deaf Full of Hopelessness …


2022- WHAT LIES AHEAD As we approach 2022 which is another year of the virus rule, lets look into what are the things that will affect us at large and which need some kind of corrective or proactive measures.   The Third This is the third year of the yuga change or the virus attack on mankind. This is in all probability the last year of the current pandemic unleash, not meaning any virus would not come up later. Its …


THE LOST SOUL       The mind thrives on incompleteness The soul seeks completion                         The mind wants to run away                       The soul likes to stay and overcome   The mind lives in denial The soul wants to face and grow                        The mind keeps you in …


ONE DAY SYNDROME One day I will become big One day I will get success One day I will become a money magnet One day all riches will be mine One day God will have to come to me One day everything in life will be in my control One day people will realize my true worth One day my time will come One day I will travel the world One day I will become famous One day there will …


THE INDEPENDENCE DAY We are just a couple of days away from the 75thIndependence day in India. A day when Independence day marks the end of British rule in 1947 and the establishment of a free and independent Indian nation which came after around 200 years of slavery. On the night of August 15, 1947, the first Prime Minister of Independent India, Pt Jawaharlal Nehru said, “At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake …

Ancestral Card Reading

Ancestral Card Reading Connect with your loved ones who have passed away through our Ancestral Cards. Like guardian angels, our ancestors continue to support and watch over us. These cards act as messengers, bringing heartfelt messages from your departed loved ones. If you miss someone special, these cards offer a simple way to feel their presence and hear their words. Let our Ancestral Cards create a warm and comforting space, allowing you to experience the enduring connection with those who …

Chakra Reading

Chakra Reading Delve into the intricate energy centers of your being with our Chakra Reading. Recognizing the seven main chakras in our bodies, this reading unveils the specific chakra or chakras experiencing blockages or imbalances. While all seven chakras are interconnected, this insightful reading provides a focused snapshot of the one requiring immediate attention and care. Each chakra plays a vital role in our well-being, and understanding their status allows for targeted healing. Balancing and opening these energy hubs pave …

Bachflower Card Reading

Bachflower Card Reading Our minds are like a busy place with lots of thoughts and feelings. These feelings can affect how we live. Bachflowers are special flowers that can heal us and show us which emotions might be stopping us from moving forward. They give us special readings to understand which main emotion is getting in the way and what is helping us in our journey right now. This special reading is rare and can quickly tell us about our …