I was struggling, searching for a formula for success in life

I changed astrologers, I changed tarot readers

I changed my vastu, I changed my workplace

I changed plans, I changed marketing agencies

I changed my company name, I changed my name

I tried emotionally blackmailing God

I tried putting extra efforts, huge strategies, but


Clients rejected me, people cheated me, ill treated me,

I was going nowhere, even the Gods had become deaf

Full of Hopelessness and despair

I just waited for that day to come as I had immense faith in the Divine

Nothing happened, I waited for so many years, still nothing happened

With each passing day, month, year I was moving more towards my end

A master stepped in my life one day

He said if I don’t change, my life will enter into permanent doom

I tried reasoning I have not done any wrong, I have not harmed anyone

He didn’t answer further, smiled and left

I got tensed, rejected this for a while, but then some trigger happened

The outward vision shifted suddenly to inner introspection


I saw my dark side, I was stunned

All these years thinking it was not my fault

Suddenly opened up to all in my zone

And then I realized that the root of all my sufferings was no one but me

I understood life is a boon, it’s a huge opportunity to clear the unwanted

For if not released now, it will keep haunting me for the rest of my soul journey

Something shifted in me, possibly just the thought

I started work with affirmations, then beliefs, then patterns and above all my relationships and so much more

I shifted my reality from being a puppet of circumstances to taking it in my hands

So much of change happened externally with just that moment of shift

From a cribber to a transformer, the world around me has now changed

Our life is really of what we make it and not what we face

Yes, externally some struggles do exist, some unresolved things do live

But I am now on the path to complete all of them, for I now understand

This gift of life is a huge opportunity to evolve out of all these unrequired.

The external is a mere mirror of the internal, all solutions lie within me

There might be external catalysts to help along the path, but the path has to be walked by me alone


The inner thoughts have diminished, external turmoil has reduced

All the rigid situations that stood still for ages, have now started to resolve

As I transform my internal, the external automatically follows

Transition has happened from changing the projection to the projector

A formula which has now become my truth

As I am transformed, so are my surroundings, my situations, my whole life

Today I am on a mission, to help people,

From not following my old footsteps, as I see so many around in the same zone

Not to make the same mistake that I made and lost so many years here

In running to change the external, which is just a symptom of the massive internal

This life is a boon to clear this unwanted dark for no success can happen without this

Leave the old beliefs, perceptions, conditionings, samskaras, traumas, patterns

For these are the things responsible for our downfall


Many have changed their lives, the path is drawn, its your turn now

For the outside is a mere illusion and projection of the inner projector

Come with me, this beautiful journey awaits you.

Lets not just speak, not merely exhibit, lets actually change our destinies

Its just one life, lets live it with success.


This blog is written by Veejay Israani. Veejay is a Transformational life coach, Bachflower therapist, Heripatt healer, etc who works on transforming individuals through his workshops, writings, guidance, healings, etc to enable them to move towards Ascension. He can be reached from details on the contact us page on this website.

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