Have you ever wondered why we are stuck up inspite of working so hard?
Do you feel our parents, grandparents, who passed away are really no more?
Do you feel death can do us apart from our loved ones?
Are we still connected to our departed loved ones?
Have you heard that we and our ancestors are inter dependant / inter connected to each other?
Have you reached the limit of endurance and have tried all healing methods but are not able to heal your situation?
Who are our Ancestors
A term confined by majority to just a word with very little value or least significance in this rational world, but actually its another name of our destiny. An ancestor is someone who has passed away in the family, either our father, mother, grandfather, etc..
The Hidden influence
Seems quite strange that someone who passed away decades back or a century back can have any sort of impact on us. The reality is, your ancestors have a much much greater impact on you and your life than you can even think of. It is strongly said that your dead ancestors are governing your destiny. The subtle bodies of ancestors have a huge impact on our life situations. Ancestors hold a power so high that it can make or break the destiny of its descendant. Most people have no idea how powerful the hidden influence of their ancestors is on the life they are living. Many of our existing life situations are a carbon copy of our ancestors, we are facing what they faced in their times. We are not alone, we are connected. We with our ancestral line age are a network. If they are stuck, we are stuck, we are directly proportional. Its as simple as that and there are no two things about it. Our material and emotional well being is directly connected to the well being of our ancestors. Just as every land is indebted to the earth that bears it, we too are indebted to our ancestors. Its their blood that flows through our bodies, its their thoughts, their beliefs, that flow through our consciousness.
Are our Ancestors alive still?
There are two worlds existing simultaneously. One is the physical world i.e the earth plane and another is the energy world, the ancestral plane.
Physically a person may die and leave the body, but energy wise they don’t die, they live on.
They are alive as a person with all unfulfilled desires, aspirations, traumas, incomplete emotions, thoughts, beliefs, etc. This incomplete energy is flowing in the descendants, searching for completion.
Our ancestors are still influencing us in the energy world, they are energetically alive in us even now and would continue to be so in our children, our descendants.
Knock Knock- I am your ancestor
Ancestors try to reach us through a lot of ways especially if they are stuck up to give a message to us.
They try to reach out to us in various ways, but just because we are busy in our own worlds, we fail to take notice. And then they have to raise their voices which might feel like an issue or a problem for us, but actually its a loud call from them for help.
It is a cry of hope by them as after death they are in the form of subtle bodies or spirits and do not have access to certain practices which the earth beings have.
Watch the English movie ‘Dragon Fly’ to know how ancestors try to reach us.
The One way communication
Ancestors are very sensitive, you cannot hurt them and get away easily many a times,
unless and until the ancestors is in a high loka.
They store hurts we gave them during their stay on earth, hence in the previous After death blog it was mentioned to forgive and ask for forgiveness.
Take the example of two people, if there is hurt in one and both of them don’t sit and resolve it, it goes on increasing. There has to be a two way communication to resolve it quickly. When a person dies, that privilege or opportunity of communication and discussion has ended, where both parties put their point of view and context. And this hurt goes on growing by time.
Don’t ever think and leave your ancestors unattended / hurt. Ancestors can reach where God cannot and God will never come to reach where & what ancestors don’t wish. In other words ancestors are the key to you locks, your blocked paths, be it health, wealth, relations, anything and everything.
Do all last rites absolutely properly and honesty so as to get the ancestor peacefully reach their lokas of existence, because if they get stuck up, you will get stuck up here.
12 days rituals are extremely important, I have heard nowadays people tend to finish all in 3 days.
Caution you, never to even dream of it, some rules never change, this is one of them. Can you imagine a baby being born in 6 months instead of 9 months. All 12 days rituals have to performed fully and completely.
Do our Ancestors mean to harm us in any way?
No. On one side ancestors would never like to harm any of their descendants, its just that they wish things to be corrected so that the future generations don’t suffer. They want us to take notice of the negative patterns running through us, so that we work in that direction and free them, us and our future generations form these negative life patterns.
We misinterpret this as a harm but actually its their cry for help, just because we are not able to hear easily, they shout out to us for help which causes pain giving us the illusion of harm.Such cases generally take the form of Pitru dosha in the horoscope and suffering becomes the order of life for that descendant /s.
The Mirror effect
Our role is not just limited to performing last rites and garlanding their photos, like a small baby needs nurture and caring in the initial months of their birth, our ancestors require the same. Like a baby cries when in any pain/ problem our ancestors also do the same. Its onto us to hear it and release them from the same. Actually if you are able to relate, its the mirror effect, whatever our parents did for us, we have to do for them in their afterlife. Like a baby requires attention , our ancestors also require attention and acknowledgment . So in a way its basically giving back to them what they gave us in their lifetimes on this earth plane.
What can Ancestors do for us?
In simple terms, almost anything and everything. Many issues in your life can be solved by our ancestors help. Many persistent or unsolvable problems though not necessarily caused by our ancestors can be solved with their help.
In fact, Ancestors can sometimes reach where God would not. We have an unbreakable bond with our ancestors and they are available for us, to help us in our journey.
Our ancestors can help us to clear energy blocks, negative tendencies and other shortcomings in our lives. They can protect us in every way from harm. They can be instrumental in opening new doors of opportunities and growth for us, whether we need to get a new job, or start a new business or find the perfect partner or reach solutions to our life issues.
Some of our ancestors can even communicate regularly and become our guides and take our spiritual journey ahead to higher levels. Ancestors can accomplish many things we could not, simply because they are in the astral world which gives them access to knowledge that we might not have access to and because they are free from the limitations of the physical body, of time and space. Ancestors can also pass down certain gifts to us like our parents, grandparents gives to us on the earth plane.
Psst – A Secret !
Lots of serious health ailments, money issues, black magic effects, curses, relationship issues stem from the ancestors. Unknown to so many, a high percentage of our problems have their origins in the ancestral domain.
If you have reached a limit of endurance and tried all methods possible to heal yourself and are still unable to do so, be sure that the problem is ancestral. A root cause analysis from our center can help reach the core issue. More on root cause analysis at www.satvakirani.com
If keys to solutions exist, our ancestors carry the Master key- Veejay Israani
Do you feel our parents, grandparents, who passed away are really no more?
Do you feel death can do us apart from our loved ones?
Are we still connected to our departed loved ones?
Have you heard that we and our ancestors are inter dependant / inter connected to each other?
Have you reached the limit of endurance and have tried all healing methods but are not able to heal your situation?
Who are our Ancestors
A term confined by majority to just a word with very little value or least significance in this rational world, but actually its another name of our destiny. An ancestor is someone who has passed away in the family, either our father, mother, grandfather, etc..
The Hidden influence
Seems quite strange that someone who passed away decades back or a century back can have any sort of impact on us. The reality is, your ancestors have a much much greater impact on you and your life than you can even think of. It is strongly said that your dead ancestors are governing your destiny. The subtle bodies of ancestors have a huge impact on our life situations. Ancestors hold a power so high that it can make or break the destiny of its descendant. Most people have no idea how powerful the hidden influence of their ancestors is on the life they are living. Many of our existing life situations are a carbon copy of our ancestors, we are facing what they faced in their times. We are not alone, we are connected. We with our ancestral line age are a network. If they are stuck, we are stuck, we are directly proportional. Its as simple as that and there are no two things about it. Our material and emotional well being is directly connected to the well being of our ancestors. Just as every land is indebted to the earth that bears it, we too are indebted to our ancestors. Its their blood that flows through our bodies, its their thoughts, their beliefs, that flow through our consciousness.
Are our Ancestors alive still?
There are two worlds existing simultaneously. One is the physical world i.e the earth plane and another is the energy world, the ancestral plane.
Physically a person may die and leave the body, but energy wise they don’t die, they live on.
They are alive as a person with all unfulfilled desires, aspirations, traumas, incomplete emotions, thoughts, beliefs, etc. This incomplete energy is flowing in the descendants, searching for completion.
Our ancestors are still influencing us in the energy world, they are energetically alive in us even now and would continue to be so in our children, our descendants.
Knock Knock- I am your ancestor
Ancestors try to reach us through a lot of ways especially if they are stuck up to give a message to us.
They try to reach out to us in various ways, but just because we are busy in our own worlds, we fail to take notice. And then they have to raise their voices which might feel like an issue or a problem for us, but actually its a loud call from them for help.
It is a cry of hope by them as after death they are in the form of subtle bodies or spirits and do not have access to certain practices which the earth beings have.
Watch the English movie ‘Dragon Fly’ to know how ancestors try to reach us.
The One way communication
Ancestors are very sensitive, you cannot hurt them and get away easily many a times,
unless and until the ancestors is in a high loka.
They store hurts we gave them during their stay on earth, hence in the previous After death blog it was mentioned to forgive and ask for forgiveness.
Take the example of two people, if there is hurt in one and both of them don’t sit and resolve it, it goes on increasing. There has to be a two way communication to resolve it quickly. When a person dies, that privilege or opportunity of communication and discussion has ended, where both parties put their point of view and context. And this hurt goes on growing by time.
Don’t ever think and leave your ancestors unattended / hurt. Ancestors can reach where God cannot and God will never come to reach where & what ancestors don’t wish. In other words ancestors are the key to you locks, your blocked paths, be it health, wealth, relations, anything and everything.
Do all last rites absolutely properly and honesty so as to get the ancestor peacefully reach their lokas of existence, because if they get stuck up, you will get stuck up here.
12 days rituals are extremely important, I have heard nowadays people tend to finish all in 3 days.
Caution you, never to even dream of it, some rules never change, this is one of them. Can you imagine a baby being born in 6 months instead of 9 months. All 12 days rituals have to performed fully and completely.
Do our Ancestors mean to harm us in any way?
No. On one side ancestors would never like to harm any of their descendants, its just that they wish things to be corrected so that the future generations don’t suffer. They want us to take notice of the negative patterns running through us, so that we work in that direction and free them, us and our future generations form these negative life patterns.
We misinterpret this as a harm but actually its their cry for help, just because we are not able to hear easily, they shout out to us for help which causes pain giving us the illusion of harm.Such cases generally take the form of Pitru dosha in the horoscope and suffering becomes the order of life for that descendant /s.
The Mirror effect
Our role is not just limited to performing last rites and garlanding their photos, like a small baby needs nurture and caring in the initial months of their birth, our ancestors require the same. Like a baby cries when in any pain/ problem our ancestors also do the same. Its onto us to hear it and release them from the same. Actually if you are able to relate, its the mirror effect, whatever our parents did for us, we have to do for them in their afterlife. Like a baby requires attention , our ancestors also require attention and acknowledgment . So in a way its basically giving back to them what they gave us in their lifetimes on this earth plane.
What can Ancestors do for us?
In simple terms, almost anything and everything. Many issues in your life can be solved by our ancestors help. Many persistent or unsolvable problems though not necessarily caused by our ancestors can be solved with their help.
In fact, Ancestors can sometimes reach where God would not. We have an unbreakable bond with our ancestors and they are available for us, to help us in our journey.
Our ancestors can help us to clear energy blocks, negative tendencies and other shortcomings in our lives. They can protect us in every way from harm. They can be instrumental in opening new doors of opportunities and growth for us, whether we need to get a new job, or start a new business or find the perfect partner or reach solutions to our life issues.
Some of our ancestors can even communicate regularly and become our guides and take our spiritual journey ahead to higher levels. Ancestors can accomplish many things we could not, simply because they are in the astral world which gives them access to knowledge that we might not have access to and because they are free from the limitations of the physical body, of time and space. Ancestors can also pass down certain gifts to us like our parents, grandparents gives to us on the earth plane.
Psst – A Secret !
Lots of serious health ailments, money issues, black magic effects, curses, relationship issues stem from the ancestors. Unknown to so many, a high percentage of our problems have their origins in the ancestral domain.
If you have reached a limit of endurance and tried all methods possible to heal yourself and are still unable to do so, be sure that the problem is ancestral. A root cause analysis from our center can help reach the core issue. More on root cause analysis at www.satvakirani.com
If keys to solutions exist, our ancestors carry the Master key- Veejay Israani
This blog is written by Veejay Israani. Veejay is a Transformational life coach, Bachflower therapist, Heripatt healer, etc who works on transforming individuals through his workshops, writings, guidance, healings, etc to enable them to move towards Ascension. He can be reached from details on the contact us page on this website.