The mind thrives on incompleteness
The soul seeks completion
The mind wants to run away
The soul likes to stay and overcome
The mind lives in denial
The soul wants to face and grow
The mind keeps you in bondage
The soul wants freedom
The mind wants to escape
The soul wants to experience
The mind thinks it knows it all
The soul wants to learn
The mind is selfish
The soul is selfless
The mind defies the contract
The soul knows and follows the contract
The soul guides you
The mind questions this guidance
The soul has to and will win
The mind seems it will
The mind knows all illusions
The soul knows the truth
The mind says you have progressed
The soul wants you to actually progress
The mind has intelligence
The soul has wisdom
The mind is purposeless
The soul has a purpose in everything
The mind keeps advertising its troubles
The soul silently looks out for solutions
The mind has no definite goal
The soul only seeks one goal – enlightenment
Life toggles between the soul and the mind.
If the mind wins – you lose, if the soul needs to win you need to fight the mind.
Which side you are in?
With the soul to overpower this barrier called mind OR
With the mind (the current state) and try to overpower the soul (contract)
Where do you belong?
Your existence defines your destiny.
This fight itself is the process of Life transformation.
Welcome to the soulful journey with Satvakirani