Come a problem, issue, challenge in life and we begin to search for solutions, sometimes we get solutions, many times we don’t get. What do we do then?
We pray, keep wraths, take mannats, try to appease the Gods by all various ways and means known to us. But ask yourself, has this really worked. Do you know more than 90% of the people die without even reaching the root cause of the problem, despite the fact that the solution has taken birth exactly at the same time the problem has? Some take months, some years, some decades, some ages, some even births to reach the solution of their problems. And we term the problem as Karma. Alas! Karma has become the easiest escape root for issues we cannot find solutions to. There are quite a few other reasons also, other than karma which is responsible for our sufferings. Largely, we can say there are 2 modes of frequency or consciousness from which we operate, the Lower consciousness and the Higher consciousness. All our problems and extreme situations are created in the lower consciousness and the solutions exist in the higher consciousness. We all have heard ‘We cannot get solutions to our problems from the same frequency or vibrations with which we created it’
So, what exactly happens in the lower consciousness?
This is a state where people manufacture problems, issues, challenges, etc. A person operating from a lower consciousness expect solutions to come from this zone itself. He prays to God, expecting the Divine to come to his house, ring the doorbell, touch them and Lo! All the problems will vanish now in the thin air. They themselves don’t search for solutions and are closed to all ways and means the Divine offers to relieve them out of their situations. They will have a blocked heart and sahasrara chakra. Even if the Divine reaches out to him in some way and provides him ways of solutions, he will not be able to accept it, due to blocks in his mind. These blocks are nothing but his karma and unless and until he overcomes this, he will never be able to reach the solution. They suffer from the ‘Why’ syndrome meaning will always ask why this happened to me, why did this not happen to him, etc. They will never accept the solutions provided to them as many a time will feel the solution has to come in the way they have planned in their mind, which never happens.
Let me share a small story here. There was a man, a very strong believer in God, who went for boating in a river. On his way back, suddenly strong winds started blowing across and his boat overturned in the middle of the river. This man did not know to swim, he started praying hard immediately and said- God, I believe in you, I want you to come and help me out of this water. Almost instantly, a fisherman from a boat saw him drowning and came to him, told him to give his hand and he will pull him up. This man refused, the fisherman pleaded, but this man did not and ultimately he drowned. On reaching up, he asked God- Why did you not help me, I have been such a sincere devotee and you let me down. The Lord said- I came, pleaded and pleaded to give me your hand, but you refused. You had a form in mind and expected me to come in that form.The whole universe is mine, I can choose any form I desire, any medium I wish, to get you out and save you. When I asked you to give me your hand, you never gave. How can I give you life when you are not ready to give me your hand. The man learned these two very important life lessons in death.
Some of the people coming to us for counseling have pre-notions about what the problem is in their minds and are not open for solutions, some have money blocks and feel the solution should happen in their budget, some ask for guarantee of solutions if they pay the energy exchange, some reject the channeled guidance provided to them. some postpone the solutions, some move out to find cheaper ways and so on. These are all cases of people operating from the lower consciousness, they move ahead creating blocks in the path, by not accepting solutions with an open mind, moving pillar to post without any progress. These blocks are the karma they cannot overcome and they keep searching on and on. They always feel this is my karma, I have to face it and thats what the universe gives them back.
What happens in the Higher consciousness?
This is the zone where we should strive to be, it’s here that solutions are provided as this itself is the solution domain. This is a zone of higher consciousness. The people operating from this domain are open to solutions from any source, in any form, in any way. They know how the Divine operates. They move ahead in their crusade with an open heart and open sahasrara chakra. Once they are told or are provided with a solution, they fully accept it and if there is an inner call, they immediately start working on it. They ask only one question ‘ How will my situation change’. Once they get an answer/guidance, they will just go after it. They may have financial difficulties or other hard pressing issues, but they will see to it that they overcome these blocks or hurdles and go for it. They connect to the Divine and wait for the Divine to guide in whatever way or form it might be. The Divine can answer either through some other person or through some newspaper article or through some Tv program or any of the various way the Divine operates. It’s here that solutions happen and issues are dissolved by reaching and correcting the root cause. They feel whatever the root cause is, there has to be a solution and they are given that, by the universe.
So, where do you operate from, where do you belong?
Act now, The Divine will show you the path, not walk it for you. The window of opportunity will not always be open, so once you have a strong feeling, just go for it, before the mind takes control and destroys it even this time around. We have to stretch ourselves for solutions, they are never offered on a platter, we have to reach out to them. We cannot determine the time, place, way, energy exchange or money required for the solution, that has already been pre decided. Its either we are there or not.
The choice is yours, everything is in you. If there is anyone who can prevent you from reaching the solutions, it’s only you. So today, are you prepared to overcome yourself and reach where you want to be or even now, you are entangled in the thought patterns of the old you. The choice is yours after all the Life is yours.
Wake up, open your arms to the Divine, He is waiting to embrace and grace you, for this has the power to wash away a lot of your troubles.
If you seek with an open heart, not just the solution, but a beautiful life too is waiting for you….
Wish all of you, Best of grace…
From the desk of
Veejay Israani
This is a state where people manufacture problems, issues, challenges, etc. A person operating from a lower consciousness expect solutions to come from this zone itself. He prays to God, expecting the Divine to come to his house, ring the doorbell, touch them and Lo! All the problems will vanish now in the thin air. They themselves don’t search for solutions and are closed to all ways and means the Divine offers to relieve them out of their situations. They will have a blocked heart and sahasrara chakra. Even if the Divine reaches out to him in some way and provides him ways of solutions, he will not be able to accept it, due to blocks in his mind. These blocks are nothing but his karma and unless and until he overcomes this, he will never be able to reach the solution. They suffer from the ‘Why’ syndrome meaning will always ask why this happened to me, why did this not happen to him, etc. They will never accept the solutions provided to them as many a time will feel the solution has to come in the way they have planned in their mind, which never happens.
Let me share a small story here. There was a man, a very strong believer in God, who went for boating in a river. On his way back, suddenly strong winds started blowing across and his boat overturned in the middle of the river. This man did not know to swim, he started praying hard immediately and said- God, I believe in you, I want you to come and help me out of this water. Almost instantly, a fisherman from a boat saw him drowning and came to him, told him to give his hand and he will pull him up. This man refused, the fisherman pleaded, but this man did not and ultimately he drowned. On reaching up, he asked God- Why did you not help me, I have been such a sincere devotee and you let me down. The Lord said- I came, pleaded and pleaded to give me your hand, but you refused. You had a form in mind and expected me to come in that form.The whole universe is mine, I can choose any form I desire, any medium I wish, to get you out and save you. When I asked you to give me your hand, you never gave. How can I give you life when you are not ready to give me your hand. The man learned these two very important life lessons in death.
Some of the people coming to us for counseling have pre-notions about what the problem is in their minds and are not open for solutions, some have money blocks and feel the solution should happen in their budget, some ask for guarantee of solutions if they pay the energy exchange, some reject the channeled guidance provided to them. some postpone the solutions, some move out to find cheaper ways and so on. These are all cases of people operating from the lower consciousness, they move ahead creating blocks in the path, by not accepting solutions with an open mind, moving pillar to post without any progress. These blocks are the karma they cannot overcome and they keep searching on and on. They always feel this is my karma, I have to face it and thats what the universe gives them back.
What happens in the Higher consciousness?
This is the zone where we should strive to be, it’s here that solutions are provided as this itself is the solution domain. This is a zone of higher consciousness. The people operating from this domain are open to solutions from any source, in any form, in any way. They know how the Divine operates. They move ahead in their crusade with an open heart and open sahasrara chakra. Once they are told or are provided with a solution, they fully accept it and if there is an inner call, they immediately start working on it. They ask only one question ‘ How will my situation change’. Once they get an answer/guidance, they will just go after it. They may have financial difficulties or other hard pressing issues, but they will see to it that they overcome these blocks or hurdles and go for it. They connect to the Divine and wait for the Divine to guide in whatever way or form it might be. The Divine can answer either through some other person or through some newspaper article or through some Tv program or any of the various way the Divine operates. It’s here that solutions happen and issues are dissolved by reaching and correcting the root cause. They feel whatever the root cause is, there has to be a solution and they are given that, by the universe.
So, where do you operate from, where do you belong?
Act now, The Divine will show you the path, not walk it for you. The window of opportunity will not always be open, so once you have a strong feeling, just go for it, before the mind takes control and destroys it even this time around. We have to stretch ourselves for solutions, they are never offered on a platter, we have to reach out to them. We cannot determine the time, place, way, energy exchange or money required for the solution, that has already been pre decided. Its either we are there or not.
The choice is yours, everything is in you. If there is anyone who can prevent you from reaching the solutions, it’s only you. So today, are you prepared to overcome yourself and reach where you want to be or even now, you are entangled in the thought patterns of the old you. The choice is yours after all the Life is yours.
Wake up, open your arms to the Divine, He is waiting to embrace and grace you, for this has the power to wash away a lot of your troubles.
If you seek with an open heart, not just the solution, but a beautiful life too is waiting for you….
Wish all of you, Best of grace…
From the desk of
Veejay Israani
This blog is written by Veejay Israani. Veejay is a Transformational life coach, Bachflower therapist, Heripatt healer, etc who works on transforming individuals through his workshops, writings, guidance, healings, etc to enable them to move towards Ascension. He can be reached from details on the contact us page on this website.