Classic Blog with Right Sidebar



SUFFERINGS – THE PRIME CAUSES Come a problem or a challenging life situation or an issue, we ponder over the probable causes of how it started, why it occurred and whether it could have been avoided.In all this mayhem, the mind starts working overtime searching for the solutions, but some life situations are absolutely sticky and really hard to leave, despite our various trials and efforts. Its then we tend to give up and bow down to the circumstances terming …


THE SOLUTION ZONE Come a problem, issue, challenge in life and we begin to search for solutions, sometimes we get solutions, many times we don’t get. What do we do then?We pray, keep wraths, take mannats, try to appease the Gods by all various ways and means known to us. But ask yourself, has this really worked. Do you know more than 90% of the people die without even reaching the root cause of the problem, despite the fact that …


THE ANCESTRAL CONNECTIONS Have you ever wondered why we are stuck up inspite of working so hard? Do you feel our parents, grandparents, who passed away are really no more? Do you feel death can do us apart from our loved ones? Are we still connected to our departed loved ones?  Have you heard that we and our ancestors are inter dependant / inter connected to each other? Have you reached the limit of endurance and have tried all healing …


GANESHA AND SUCCESS Come Ganesh Chaturthi and the whole of India gets immersed in welcoming and worshipping the Elephant headed God, our beloved Ganesha. With every Ganesha festival come prayers , with prayers come hope,a hope that all our obstacles / challenges would be overcome with the grace of Lord Ganesha. But a very straightforward question is whether its happened regularly and always or for some, not happened at all. Certainly if such is the case we need to look …


ANCESTRAL PATTERNS – HERIPATTS Are you suffering from serious health ailments?Are you struggling with money?Have you tried your best but are not able to come out of your sufferings?Have you tried out many healings but still are unable to find the solution? Do you feel enough is enough, some Divine intervention has to come else I am done?Then read on. If you have reached here its not by chance. Its a place where you reach only if you are destined to.Pitru …


THE NEW CONSCIOUSNESS Do you feel the world is changing or has changed?Are you stuck up in a non-solvable life situation?Is life knocking very hard on you?Is it something you don’t like about the world you live in?Have you heard the Golden age is coming? Welcome to the era of change. Come 2017 and starts the age of change, the age of evolution. You might be wondering what change, there is already a lot of change happening outside in the …


THE CARPET Is there something which you are not facing and avoiding?Is it something you know exists but turn a blind eye to it everytime it comes?Is there something which you are trying to control and push back?Are you not allowing an inside emotion to come out?Are you experiencing repetitive thoughts? A short storyThere was a boy named Richard, he was a soft spoken, well mannered nice boy since childhood and was full of enthusiasm. He did quite well in …


THE FOUR PHASES OF SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION Spiritual evolution is such a common term in the healing spectrum, come lets understand the steps towards it.   The First stage Spirituality means to know God This stage people are the pure laymen type, God fearing and totally immersed in their own world. Going to temples, celebrating festivals with complete dedication, etc . In this zone, people go on the same way until something drastic happens and it shatters or breaks their programming …


PITRU DOSHA       Identified by many as the only Pitru related difficulty in one’s life, this dosha is one of the most basic and most ignored one in today’s times. On one side in these ascension times where we talk and get introduced to the huge, unheard of healings, this is one basic crux which many miss out on. There are numerous cases reaching out to us for resolving serious life situations who completely miss out / ignore …


MOTHER EARTH We refer to and call her as mother. A mother has the unique ability to give life, which no one has. This life-giving energy is known by many names. Every culture has a creation story. We call her as mother earth, we are born from her and we die and get consumed in her. Mother earth nourishes us, fulfills all our needs of existence here. Mother earth holds us and is responsible for providing us food, nourishment and …


THE HOPE Come New year and we will all get so enthusiastic, energetic, hyperactive, full of zeal to welcome this new year aspiring for a new life or a new beginning . We set up so many resolutions, beautiful new goals, hopes and dreams for that change we have been looking for since so many years. Basically hope and pray for the best of the best to happen in our lives and feel this big first day of the year …


EARTHBOUND SOULS Earthbound souls are human souls that remain on earth even after the passing away of the body they used to inhabit or in other words continue to live even after their human personalities have passed away. Earthbound souls are those disembodied people who have lost their bodies on earth but still continue to exist/ live in this physical realm. Earthbound souls are ones who after death have not crossed over to their plane of existence. Such souls just …